Web API Endpoint Reference

Our Web API endpoints give external applications access to our database.

Web API Base URL: http://api.steamanalyst.com


Get data for all items

GET http://api.steamanalyst.com/dota2/{API_KEY}

Get data for a specific item

GET http://api.steamanalyst.com/dota2/{API_KEY}/{MARKET_NAME}

Request Parameters

Your personal API key


curl -X GET "http://api.steamanalyst.com/v2/{API_KEY}"

Response Format

On success, the HTTP status code in the response header is 200 OK and the response body contains an item object in JSON format. On error, the header status code is an error code.

CS:GO Items under $400
	market_name: "AK-47 | Fire Serpent (Field-Tested)",
	avg_price_7_days: "153.65",
	avg_price_7_days_raw: 153.64644,
	avg_price_30_days: "163.83",
	avg_price_30_days_raw: 163.83235,
	avg_price_90_days: "191.79",
	avg_price_90_days_raw: 191.78862,
	link: "http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/id/1032/",
	current_price: "164.96",
	current_price_last_checked: "2016-08-30 09:07:23",
	sold_last_24h: 23,
	sold_last_7d: 171,
	avg_daily_volume: 24,
	img: "http://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQH...",
	ongoing_price_manipulation: "0"
Rare Items (over $400)
	market_name: "★ Karambit | Fade (Factory New)",
	suggested_amount_avg: "563.75",
	suggested_amount_avg_raw: 563.75,
	suggested_amount_min: "400.00",
	suggested_amount_min_raw: 400,
	suggested_amount_max: "727.50",
	suggested_amount_max_raw: 727.5,
	link: "http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/id/17462/",
	img: "http://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/fWFc82js0fmoRAP-qOIPu5THSWqfSmTELLqcUy...",
	ongoing_price_manipulation: "0"
Price Manipulation
	market_name: "XM1014 | Jungle (Well-Worn)",
	safe_price: "0.58",
	safe_price_raw: 0.58323,
	link: "http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/id/249/",
	current_price: "5.18",
	current_price_last_checked: "2016-08-30 05:16:16",
	sold_last_24h: 3,
	sold_last_7d: 56,
	avg_daily_volume: 8,
	img: "http://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZL...",
	ongoing_price_manipulation: "1"

Key Value Description
market_name Market Hash Name of Item
avg_price_7_days Average price for the last 7 days (as show on SteamAnalyst.com). Use this value for your CS:GO Project.
avg_price_7_days_raw Same as "avg_price_7_days" without formatting.
avg_price_30_days Average price for the last 30 days (as show on SteamAnalyst.com).
avg_price_30_days_raw Same as "avg_price_30_days" without formatting.
safe_price Returns a safe price to use if there is an ongoing price manipulation.
safe_price_raw Same as "safe_price" without formatting.
suggested_amount_avg Average Price of Rare item as suggested by our community and other various sources.
suggested_amount_min Minimum Price of Rare item as suggested by our community and other various sources.
suggested_amount_max Maximum Price of Rare item as suggested by our community and other various sources.
link Link to item's page on SteamAnalyst.com
current_price Current lowest price of item on Steam Market. Do not use this value for your CS:GO project. Use "avg_price_7_days" instead.
current_price_last_checked Date when Steam Market price was last checked
sold_last_24h Units sold on Steam Market last 24 hours (if available)
sold_last_7d Units sold on Steam Market last 7 days (if available)
avg_daily_volume Average daily volume sold on Steam Market for the last 7 days
img Image URL of item on Steam Community
ongoing_price_manipulation Indicates if we have detected a price manipulation on Steam Market. Returns 0 or 1. If set to 1, "avg_price_7_days" will no longer be returned. "safe_price" should be used in your CS:GO project.